Loving the Community, Loving others. Creating new connections. Helping the LGBTQIA communities and artists. Loving others #love #community
Love and art. Community. Speaking and artistry
Loving others. JOY
Bringing people together for Networking
-anti racism , anti distressed community, pro bring flourishing community
#anti depression and anxiety
Revelation 20:7-10
Story of helping end trafficking. Awareness, #endchildtrafficking . LOVE Helping others. Creating a better world. Story of Esser. We helped passed bills together , to help create a safer world for the youth. Taking away loop holes to make it easier for traffickers to go behind bars . Also , we created comic books to help empower the kids. Teaching them the dangers to helping end child trafficking. Loving others. How to care for themselves. Protecting themselves. Esser and I split up. The National Anti Trafficking Number is

Helping the Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen assist the community and feed the poor, hungry, homeless in NYC and beyond. Serving over 1000 people a day. Helping bring awareness to serving others | loving the community, loving others.
Jesus Christ Son of God died for our sins, was buried, was raised on the third day
1 Corinthians 15:3-4

Helping the Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen assist the community and feed the poor, hungry, homeless in NYC and beyond. Serving over 1000 people a day. Helping bring awareness to serving others | loving the community
Tonya’s story
“Beyond comprehension: the void in my cranium and the afflictions on my body to smother. There is apparent longing: conscience gropes for freedom only to surrender to the worth of its sale. This cage is involuntary subjugation.“
I used to frequent Cedar Point in Ohio and thoroughly enjoyed the double twisting impulse coaster at a pretty tender age, not anticipating, even in my wildest fantasies, my life becoming one. This is Tonya writing to her inner child imploring for forgiveness, humanness following the 9/11 attacks, engulfing mankind in mere seconds.
“Felt like my breath was in clutches, my voice was oppressed, my grief was illegitimate- I was treated more like a number, and less like a person. There is no hope for resurrection: the social structures I hail from are very rigid and the trauma is recurrent. I get commercialized, measured, weighed, labeled everyday, and because of my inability to resist my oppressor, I lose everyday. There is no hope, and light, but there is certainty in knowing that I am not alone. It is never my choice.”
“Silence in this enslavement Like a movie
Can’t feel my body
They call it my duty
Nights I can't sleep
when I want to die
Don't expect you to listen
It comes with a goodbye
An everyday story
Cause there is no glory
No hope, no light
They say I wasn’t born to fly
And sadly, it was never my choice”
~Talking to her felt like talking to her heart, and her inner child. She is not less, but most certainly more of a person. My dream is to be like her at such a young age. Though she expressed lack of hope, there is most certainly hope for the end of exploitation.”
story telling: STORIES have the power to change lives for the better and help create a better world. Rev 12:11

helping empower trafficking survivors and love